Pedagogical basis

Pedagogical basis: built to motivate

The young Dolphins, Bears, and Lions GEP English Exams have been designed to celebrate the children's progress and achievement in their new language, propel their learning confidence and involve the parents through their education process.

All three PRE A1 GEP English Exams are designed to reflect accurate proficiency, be affordable and made easily available to children around the world.

Ongoing learning

All tests have been conceived to motivate children to access English-language content online and offline, via children’s books, songs, television, films and other internet materials such as videos and games.

The tests are geared to facilitate and promote the usage of English as an international language for communication.

Preparation for future achievement

The young Dolphins, Bears, and Lions exams are designed to demonstrate language proficiency in children at a PRE-A1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Children who take the GEP Lions Exam can immediately aim for learning at the CEFR A1 level and beyond.

Skimlinks Test